May 01, 2014

Summer Adventures!!!!!

Every Summer since I was in middle school I'd always be like "I'm going to do this and this and thisssss and oh yeah, that too!" but ended up sitting inside for 90% of the Summer. But not any more shawty! This is the first Summer that I'm 100% legal and free to do whatever I want so guess what? I'm about to make this Summer my biatch whether it wants to be or not! Below is my Summer Adventure To Do List. Some things I plan to do with my friends and some are just personal little things I want to do. Please feel free to steal some ideas from my list to put into your own list. I think the Summer is a great time to just have fun & live it up. Even if I don't complete everything on this list, my goal is to just really enjoy these next few months. 


Read 2 new books
Watch 3 full series on Netflix

Go to the beach at least twice
Go to the pool at least twice
Get a new tattoo or piercing
Go to a Drive in Movie
See a play
Go on a ghost tour
Go to some festival/outside market/parade
Write & mail letters to 5 different people
Go fishing with my family
Play paintball with my friends
Camp out in my backyard with my younger siblings
Host a game night
Do a photo challenge 
Donate to 2 different charities
Get my first bikini wax :-/
Make a scrapbook of my life so far 

I am hosting my first GIVEAWAY!!! For full details on how to enter Click Here. Good luck to everyone that enters & HAVE FUN!! <3 

What's on your Summer Adventure To Do List this year??? 


  1. Good luck with the Bikini wax:-) I will try to read at least 3 books this summer. And I will also try to post more OOTDs.

    1. Have you ever gotten a bikini wax? How was it? Which 3 books do you plan to read?


Speak your mind & I'll return the love!! -Dianna