March 19, 2014

Blogging Blues & Updates

For whatever reason, this month I just have not been in the blogging mood. Part of it is I've just been really busy with work but I also haven't been in an internet mood either. But, I'm kind of getting back in the groove and do have a few posts that I'm excited for. 

To anyone's comments I haven't responded to, I apologize.. Like I said I just haven't been in the blogging mood lately & haven't taken the time to really go through all of my comments and reply back. I definitely will be getting to EVERYTHING today! :)


March Challenge - So far so good! I've made progress on all 3 of my bad habits.

  1. I have been cleaning more on laundry days and keeping my room more organized. I have been doing school stuff in advance and just all around making a HUGEEEE effort to not wait until the last minute to do things. 
  2. I actually did make a budget for my spending and it has helped SOOOOO MUUCCCHHHH. I will definitely post about how to budget your money especially if you're not making fat stacks lol. I broke it down in dollar amount and percentages and trust me.. I am saving more money now than ever! 
  3. I've made small progress in my irregular eating. I try my best to eat breakfast everyday and make sure I snack on healthy things when I can. I'm trying to eat more balanced meals and cook more which also helps.
 Hair Stress :( - I'm strongly considering going back to relaxed hair in the Summer or Fall. I have been natural for almost 2 years and yes my hair has grown back to it's starting length but I feel like its not popping like I want it to be. I have really bad heat damage on my ends and leave out areas from wearing weave. Plus I haven't gotten to the length I expected for 2 years natural. I find relaxed hair easier to manage and I can do a lot more with it but I'm no quite ready to say goodbye to my curly fro.. I think I'm going to try an INTENSE hair regimen until the Summer/Fall... if I don't see some progress then I'm relaxing it and calling it a day.. :-/

How is everyone doing? How are you all doing on breaking your bad habits? And, any advice for a struggling natural haired sistahh? 

1 comment:

  1. Follow Uche's blog I follow her too. Take out the time and browse through her blog, I'm sure you'd find great tips for your natural hair journey.

    Congratulations on beating the 3 bad habits. Pls do let me know when you share how you managed your budget...


Speak your mind & I'll return the love!! -Dianna